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5 Blogging Ideas 

PRODUCT REVIEW POLITICS VR Travel RECIPES  ## Product reviews Not only are  product reviews a trusted resource online that will draw traffic, but they are also a revenue stream for bloggers. If you want to monetize your blog instantly, this is a smart move. By linking to product pages through affiliate links like  Amazon Affiliates , you can monetize a blog almost entirely on product reviews. Make sure you go niche, since this provides the greatest platform for credibility and expertise. ## POL ITICS Politics are popular during every election year. Whether national or local, find a political topic to discuss, and join this conversation. Politics can be dicey, however. People tend to get really polarized around political topics, so be prepared to handle some controversy. ## VR VR is a growing industry that’s only going to continue getting larger as time goes on. Analysts predict it’ll reach  $3 billion in investments  by the end of 2016, so jumping on the bandwagon now

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